Damien Cummins

Physiotherapist, Practice Director


  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy), University of Sydney 1990.
  • Master of Philosophy (Physiotherapy), University of Newcastle, 2022.
  • Credentialed McKenzie Therapist in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy ((Cert) Cred MDT) 1997.
  • Certified Mulligan Therapist (CMT) 2005.
  • Level III Watson Headache Therapist 2013.
  • Registered Physiotherapist – Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  • Member of The Australian Physiotherapy Association (MAPA).
  • Registered Health Services Provider with Workcover, Medicare, Department of Veteran’s Affairs, 3rd Party Insurances and all major Health Funds.


Damien Cummins has been practicing physiotherapy for 33 years, having graduated from Sydney University in 1990. His junior years as a physio began at John Hunter Hospital and later in 1993 at Howzat, Newcastle. In late 1993, he ventured overseas to America where he spent a total of nine years practising physiotherapy, interspersed with global travels including an 18 month journey through Europe, Africa and Australia. While in the USA, he lived in Michigan and North Carolina and gained a different perspective on physical therapy and health care.

Damien returned to Australia in 2002. From 2004 onwards, he has focused his time growing a successful physiotherapy practice in Mayfield and continuing his education journey to support his passion for treating head and neck pain.

Damien is credentialed in the McKenzie (MDT) method of mechanical spinal treatment. He is also a Certified Mulligan Practitioner and a Level III Watson Headache® Certified Practitioner.

He has been focusing on spinal treatment 3 over the past 15 years. (He is a Level (3) III Watson Headache® Certified Practitioner.)

Damien has recently completed a four year research Masters degree at The University of Newcastle in the Identification and Diagnosis of Cervicogenic Headache.

Fun Fact:

Over the past 3 years, Damien has found a special interest in treatment of headache and migraine through his training with Dean Watson in Sydney and the Watson Headache® Institute. This has prompted him to be the founder of The Newcastle Headache Clinic in 2014 with the goal of providing an alternate evidence based treatment to drugs and injections for headache and migraine sufferers.

Recent Blog Posts

Monday, September 16, 2024
When people present with pain localised to the neck it is easy to determine that the most likely source of the patients’ symptoms is their cervical spine....

By Damien Cummins

Physiotherapist, Practice Director

Neck Treatment

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Research has shown the top three cervical segments and then associated soft tissue to be the cause. Lower neck tension can indirectly affect these upper neck segments....

By Damien Cummins

Physiotherapist, Practice Director

Headaches & Migraines

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
New clinical recommendations for whiplash are constantly being developed, with the most recent research being undertaken at the University of Sydney....

By Damien Cummins

Physiotherapist, Practice Director

Neck Treatment

Back Treatment

We believe we are a high-quality spinal physiotherapy practice in the Newcastle region. All of our physiotherapists have specific spinal training.

Neck Treatment

Newcastle’s neck physiotherapists. Our team is continually engaging in research and treatment of chronic neck and head pain. And we do not crack necks.

Headaches & Migraines

We routinely treat movement and position faults of neck joints that specifically relate to the production of head and neck pain and/or migraine.

General Physiotherapy

Our skills are in manual and exercise therapy. We can use a myriad of different techniques applied to muscles, ligaments and joints to improve movement


Got a question or ready to book?

Where to find us

We are a Newcastle practice located in the heart of Mayfield, inside the Ironworkers building.

Suite 204, 2nd Floor, 161 Maitland Road MAYFIELD 2304, NSW

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Where to find us

We are a Newcastle practice located in the heart of Mayfield, inside the Ironworkers building.

Suite 204, 2nd Floor, 161 Maitland Road MAYFIELD 2304, NSW


“Within 2-3 treatments we can figure out if you have a mechanical spinal component that is related to the pain you feel.”

– Spinal mechanics, finding the source